Whether for manual welding in steel construction with 15-18 kg spools or for semi-automated and fully automated welding with drums of up to 750 kg wire weight, WDI has the right drum in its range for every application. Container types for unalloyed and medium-alloyed shielding gas welding wires
Cric multi-usage.
Permet de soulever, de tirer, de
pousser, d'écartcr, de tendre, etc...
Sa tête à plusieurs positions
permet de l'utiliser comme serrejoint.
Conception très simple et très
Sécurité, une goupille protège des
Force Kg:3200
Hauteur mm:900
Poids Kg:17
Argani a vite autofrenanti, azionamento manuale, per l'adattamento ed il sostegno ergonomici, per il livellamento, lo spostamento, ecc., opzionalmente con manovella smontabile e servizio a coppie, carico 0,5 - 3 t